Diagnosed OCD, What's is all about, the facts!

What Is OCD, What Are OCD Symptoms

Other than BPD, OCD is something that I suffer with on a regular basis and take medication for. Obsessive Compulsory Disorder isn’t just about wanting everything to be tidy, in fact people who suffer with OCD don’t always live in tidy surroundings.

OCD is very much what it says on the tin, if someone has OCD then they have an obessive nature. That being said people show their symptoms in different ways and for different reasons.

Remember I’m not a professional and if you need more help I’d always advise going to see a medical professional. That being said I’m going to talk about the symptoms of OCD that I myself have experienced.

OCD Symptoms

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) affects people differently, but usually causes a pattern of thoughts and behaviours. Once you know about the symptoms, it’s easier to control and spot them.

OCD has 3 main elements, symptoms if you will which are,

OCD Obsession Obsessive thoughts. Most people have unwanted thoughts at some point, this can be thinking the door isn’t locked or the oven is turned off. However, people with obsessive thoughts will continue to think about these, having dominant thoughts over others.

People with these obessive thoughts will carry on thinking about this until something is done. These thoughts can then escalate, for example continously thinking that you house will be broken into if the door is unlocked, this can lead to a person with OCD rushing home to check the door is locked.

These thoughts can also be negative and if acted on can cause harm to a person or others around them. It’s important to remember that these are just thoughts and can be dealt with.

Unsplash – @thoughtcatalog

OCD emotions. OCD can have a very serious impact on a person’s emotions. As the thoughts can be negative these can cause stress, anxiety and other issues for a person.

The emotional pressure OCD can have on a person can be very serious although if a person is suffering from other mental health issues, this can make it a lot worse and lead to a great deal of distress.

OCD compulsions. Compulsive behavour comes hand in hand with the obessive thoughts and overthinking. Let’s take the common conception of OCD, if a person dislikes an untidy house, their comulsive behaviour may be to tidy more frequently than others would.

If a person does not like germs then they may wash their hands several times a day and carry antibac gel with them everywhere, not just in 2020/21 either.

Common types of compulsive behaviour in people with OCD include:

  • cleaning and hand washing
  • checking – such as checking doors are locked or oven turned off.
  • counting
  • ordering and arranging, lists and labels on everything
  • hoarding
  • asking for reassurance, this can be about the same thing many times.
  • repeating words in their head or out loud
  • thinking “neutralising” thoughts to counter the obsessive thoughts
  • avoiding places and situations that could trigger obsessive thoughts
  • Ticks, making sounds as a way to combat obsessive thoughts

That being said, not all compulsive behaviours will be obvious to other people. Some compulsive behaviour may temporarily relieve anxiety although the obsession and anxiety will remain and cause the cycle to start again.

Unsplash – @uniqueton

What Is OCD?

Hopefully that clears up the question of OCD is what? If you have any questions don’t forget to ask in the comments. There are many ways to combat OCD however and I’m going to talk about a couple of ways I do it.

How To Manage OCD?

Medication. If you’ve seen your GP, have a diognoisis from a mental health team and everyone understands the severity of your OCD then it’ll be easier to get medication that will help you. Make sure you talk to your doctor and do your research on medication offered before you take anything.

If the OCD medication doesn’t work for you then let your GP know and there are alternatives for you to take, again always discuss with your doctor as they know more than I do.

Distractions. OCD distractions aren’t as easy as they sound as you have them thoughts in your haid, that being said try and distract yourself as much as possible.

Whenever I have compulsive thoughts I will try and stop them, for example checking the door is locked and then I will get out my anxiety comfort box and watch a film or doing something in my box.

If that was a lot to take in, Click this page for something happier!

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