Build Better Romantic Relationships When Yours Grows Complacent

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Build Better Romantic Relationships When Yours Grows Complacent

Relationships start in a euphoric state of infatuation, something no one wants to see come to an end. That period can last for a few months or longer, but it’s not sustainable often because it’s not based entirely on reality.

Usually, one or both people put on airs during the honeymoon phase. Typically they’re on their best behavior, agreeable to most anything, doing what the other person wants, even if it doesn’t make them happy, and not sharing a genuine opinion.

It’s essentially a period where both people wear rose-colored glasses, and neither can do wrong.

After this stage, reality introduces authenticity, familiarity, and comfortability, plus complacency sets in. Without adequate nurturing to keep a bit of that initial euphoria alive, the relationship gets stuck, unable to thrive or progress forward healthfully.

Committed partners must put in a concerted effort, constant attention, and hard work to develop a positive flow of energy, an open line of communication, and an undeniable mutual respect.

Reestablishing these vital relationship components can help stimulate a renewed connection. Learn how to build a healthy relationship at and then consider the following suggestions.

Building a Better Romantic Relationships When Yours Grows Complacent

Complacency happens when couples become comfortable after the honeymoon period.

They know every detail of each other’s sordid lives, are accepting of the quirks and flaws (despite how annoying some of them can get,) and don’t mind that their partner can go three days with no shower, functioning contentedly in the same sweatpants and socks without cringing at the notion that these are tattered and stained.

In every busy couple’s defense, the reality of this hectic world with work, possibly kids, pets, households, errands, and relationships tend to, unfortunately, fall to the bottom of the pile.

This leads back to where couples need to take control of their partnerships, making a concerted effort to put each other as a priority, establish mutual respect for the other person, develop effective open communication, and commit to working hard to reconnect. Go here for tips on making a relationship better.

Is it easier said than done, or can you rebuild a better relationship once complacency has taken hold? Let’s learn.

●     Make a point of checking on your mate

Instead of merely asking in passing how your partner is, take time to sit down and find out what’s happening with them. Make an effort to learn if their day-to-day is going well, if they’re feeling okay, and how they see you as a couple.

This is also a time to open up and be vulnerable with your feelings, what’s happening with you, and where you believe things stand. Each person’s thoughts and ideas are vital for the partnership to thrive and grow healthfully.

While you can bring up problems concerning you, it’s also a time to enjoy each other’s company, share anything and everything, maybe a story about a particular purchase that brightened your day, or discuss stresses at work to try to eliminate some of the pressure.

It’s the ideal opportunity to truly spend time as a couple nurturing the relationship.

●     Conflict is a part of every relationship

You will have arguments, disagreements, and even fights, and that’s okay. The problem is when you do this with an air of disrespect. It’s challenging when you’re upset or possibly angry to avoid approaching the other person because you will lash out with emotion but stepping away is precisely what should happen.

When you need to discuss a problem or an incident that occurred, something your partner might have done wrong, the best way to approach the subject is after you have adequate time to think and calm down so you can speak about it rationally.

In the heat of the moment, when emotions are high, an irrational conversation will not be productive. In fact, each person is more likely to say something they regret. When people are angry, there can be more yelling than attempts to have a regular conversation.

A priority when the conversation does occur is to never be accusatory with the other person. That means sticking with “I statements” and avoiding using “you terms.” You don’t want to attack the person you love; you want to resolve a problem.

Photo by Denise Johnson on Unsplash

●     Communication is the key to a thriving, successful connection

Suppose you’re wondering why communication is important in a relationship. In that case, it keeps you open and vulnerable with the other person allowing trust to develop, a deepening connection, and a blossoming bond. You can share virtually anything disallowing ego to interfere, with no judgment or fear.

You don’t allow anything to settle and fester, but you share as soon as things develop, one incident as it occurs instead of dropping a load of issues all at once. Stay in the present, avoiding the past; it’s over and done.

These are transparent conversations about what you need or want, facing disagreement straight on and letting your partner know when they’ve upset you, honesty in a nutshell. It sounds easy, but it’s challenging for many couples. It takes time to develop a finesse between you.

Final Thought

When your significant other makes a mistake, or something goes awry, your response has a tremendous effect on them. No one is perfect; we all mess up. The greatest gift we can give our partner is our encouragement and support.

As a loved one, you should always strive to lift the other person up, affirm the partnership and the person as an individual, and freely compliment even minor things.

People will go out of their way to be kind to strangers they meet on the street but forget those same manners in a familiar setting around the one they love.

Everyone should work to rebuild romantic relationships, treating mates with the same sort of respect and kindness they reserve for people they interact with outside the home. Kindness in a couple of hoods seems to be an overlooked quality. It should be a priority when considering rebuilding a better relationship.

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