Easy Ways To Tackle Dry Skin

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Do you suffer from dry skin? Same! Dry skin can be a huge problem for everyone at one point in their lives but knowing how to tackle dry skin isn’t something everyone is familiar with. I’ve made it my quest to figure out how I can tackle my dry skin and I thought I’d share my success with my readers.

There are many ways to combat dry skin from what you eat to what products you use on a daily basis. Getting rid of your dry and irritated skin is a lifestyle choice and cannot be changed overnight, which means it takes dedication to look and feel better.

Dry Skin Information

Take a look below for some information on dry skin so that you can assess your symptoms and if you need to start taking care of your skin.

Can Dry Skin Cause A Rash?

Yes, dry skin can potentially lead to a rash.

When the skin is excessively dry, it may lose its natural protective barrier, making it more susceptible to irritants and allergens. This can result in redness, itching, and the development of a rash. The skin’s outer layer, known as the stratum corneum, plays a crucial role in maintaining moisture and protecting against external factors. When this barrier is compromised due to dryness, it can lead to increased sensitivity and reactivity.

It is important to use the best moisturiser for dry skin to protect your skin from forming rashes.

Can Dry Skin Cause Itching?

Yes, dry skin is a common cause of itching.

When the skin lacks sufficient moisture, it can become dry, flaky, and more prone to irritation. Dry skin tends to compromise the natural protective barrier of the skin, making it more susceptible to external irritants and allergens. This can lead to itching, which is often a result of the skin’s attempt to signal discomfort and stimulate scratching.

Several factors contribute to the itching associated with dry skin:

  1. Loss of Moisture: Dry skin lacks the necessary moisture content to keep the skin cells plump and hydrated. This can lead to a feeling of tightness and discomfort, triggering itching. This is why it’s important to use hand cream and other moisturiser products on your skin.
  2. Compromised Skin Barrier: The outermost layer of the skin, known as the stratum corneum, acts as a protective barrier. When this barrier is compromised due to dryness, it allows irritants to penetrate, leading to itching.
  3. Inflammation: Dry skin can become inflamed, causing redness and itchiness. Inflammatory responses may be triggered by environmental factors, harsh products, or underlying skin conditions.

Can Dry Skin Cause Acne?

Dry skin itself is not a direct cause of acne.

Acne is typically associated with excess oil (sebum) production, clogged pores, and the proliferation of bacteria on the skin. However, there is a complex relationship between dry skin and acne that can contribute to the development or exacerbation of acne in some cases.

Can Dry Skin On Feet Cause Itching?

Yes, dry skin on the feet can cause itching.

The skin on the feet is prone to dryness due to factors such as friction from footwear, exposure to harsh weather conditions, and a lack of oil glands in comparison to other parts of the body. When the skin becomes excessively dry, it can lead to several discomforts, including itching. Most people think that dry skin mainly occurs on the hands and arms but it’s important to note other places on the body that would have dry skin issues.

Is Dry Skin Normal?

Yes, dry skin is a common and normal condition that many people experience at some point in their lives.

It can occur for various reasons and is influenced by factors such as age, weather, genetics, and skincare habits. Dry skin is characterised by a lack of moisture in the outer layer of the skin, known as the stratum corneum.

Common reasons for dry skin include:

  1. Weather Conditions: Dry and cold weather, especially during the winter months, can contribute to dry skin by reducing humidity levels.
  2. Hot Water: Prolonged exposure to hot water, whether through bathing or washing, can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness.
  3. Harsh Soaps and Cleansers: Certain soaps and cleansers, particularly those containing harsh chemicals or fragrances, can be drying to the skin.
  4. Age: As people age, the skin tends to produce less oil, making it more prone to dryness.
  5. Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to dry skin.
  6. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, can contribute to dry skin.
  7. Not getting enough water in your diet: Not getting enough water in your body means your skin is more prone to dry out, this is why it’s important to eat foods with a high water content such as cucumber.

Dry Skin Treatments

There are many easy ways that you can treat dry skin at home without having to buy expensive products or set up a huge skin care routine. Although I would suggest using products to treat your tough areas of dry skin, the ways below will help your skin on a daily basis.

  • Use a Humidifier: Add moisture to the air in your home, especially during dry seasons. Humidifiers can help prevent skin from drying out.
  • Stay Hydrated: It is important to keep hydrated. Drink plenty of water and eat foods that have a high water content such as watermelon and cucumbers. Salads are a great way to hydrate the skin through your diet.
  • Protect Against Harsh Weather: During cold or windy weather, protect your skin by wearing appropriate clothing, such as gloves and scarves. Use lotion for dry skin when you get home after being in harsh weather conditions.
  • Limit Bath and Shower Times: Keep baths and showers short to prevent the skin from drying out. Also pat the skin dry gently with a towel rather than rubbing. Hot showers can dry out the skin faster.

Products To Help With Dry Skin

If you’re looking to keep your skin healthy then it’s important to use the right moisturiser for dry skin but that can depend on the type of products work with your skin. Some people have sensitive skin so they may need products that work better with sensitive skin. It’s important to find the right product for you, if you have any concerns speak to a dermatologist or your doctor as you don’t want to make you dry skin worse.

Weleda Skin Food

One of the best creams for dry skin has to be the Weleda skin food. It sounds weird and there have been mixes reviews on this cream but if you’re looking for the best lotion for dry skin, Weleda has you covered.

I personally think that the Weleda Skin Food has done wonders for both my hands and elbows which were dry and cracked before but have found their way to smooth and healthy in no time. You do not need to apply a lot of the Weleda skin food cream, there is a strong smell to the cream that may put people off and the more you use the more it will smell. Apply a small amount to the area you have dry skin and it will start the magic.

I recommend using the Weleda cream once a day, it really helps with the cracked skin I have around my fingers and thumbs from typing all the time and I’m sure it’ll work wonders for you as well. They also have other amazing products that you should try so make sure you have a look!

Weleda Skin Food


Another amazing product that I love to use are the creams and moisturisers from SkinGenius. They have some of the best face moisturiser for dry skin that I’ve used so far although you of course don’t need to just use their products on your face area, I also use it on my neck when I get dry skin after walking the dog.

The SkinGenius products are super easy to apply, they don’t feel greasy and they actually show visible results in literally minutes. I use their ‘soothe operator’ calming moisturiser before bed each night during my shower routine. It means my skin isn’t drying out, it’s perfect if you have oily skin and it stops any acne I may get from the harsh wind when walking my dog.

It works well with sensitive skin, does the trick and it doesn’t cost a fortune unlike other moisturiser products on the market. I’d easily say give them a go especially if you’re outside often. Take a look at their other products while you’re there. I love their “Cream come true” for my hands!


Evolve Organic Beauty Hyaluronic Serum 200

I have a soft spot in my heart for Evolve Organic Beauty. Their products work wonders and this serum makes me look so much better. When I’m tired of need to plump myself up a bit and not look like I haven’t slept in three days, I use this stuff. A quick little application around the tired parts of my face and they’re instantly looking softer and less worn.

Evolve Organic Beauty are one of the more expensive products that I use, that being said the serum does it’s job well and I quite frankly love their fast acting products. This serum tackles dry skin in the areas you don’t want them and gives you the lift you need for the day. Take a look at all the Evolve Organic Beauty products.

Asking, Which serum for dry skin? Evolve Organic Beauty Hyaluronic Serum 200 is still my favourite!

Lavera Naturkosmetik

If you ask me in public I won’t admit it but I carry the Lavera products refresh with me in my bag all the time. Is there anything worse than stepping into a public toilet and looking at your reflection after a long and windy day? I use the Lavera Naturkosmetic Hydro Refresh Serum when I’m out and about and need a touch up.

The Lavera Naturkosmetik products are on the higher end of the price range however they work like a treat. My skin absorbs this stuff so fast, their products are perfect for sensitive skin and nobody would know you’ve used it after a quick toilet break.

They also do some other great products. Like the Hydro Refresh Micellar Cleansing Water which left my face feeling as fresh as a daisy after standing in queues all day at comic cons! Also, perfect for people who wear make-up and don’t want harsh chemicals on their faces!

Skin Doctors UK

I have heard some crazy things about Skin Doctors so I was a little worries when I got around to using them for the first time. I have to say some of the claims people make, I didn’t see an issue with. I saw one person say that it left white residue under the eyes, I didn’t have that problem at all and in fact I thought the Skin Doctors instant eyelift worked like a charm, even if I did have to wait a few minutes and it wasn’t exactly instant.

Their other products like their ingrow go ingrown hair lotion for ingrown hairs work just as well. I hate ingrown hair and this gets rid of them easily and in no time at all. Skin Doctors UK are on the more expensive side but if you keep an eye on their website you’ll see they have amazing deals where you can grab a ton of their products with a huge discount!

Let me know what products you use and love on your dry skin. Nobody likes having irritating and unsightly dry skin and I’m always on the look out for new lotion for dry skin.

What Causes Dry Skin On Face

Dry skin on the face can be caused by various factors, and it often results from a combination of these elements. There are several ways you can reduce getting dry skin on your face without using products, take a look at the factors and how you can avoid them.

Here are some common causes of dry skin on the face:

  1. Weather Conditions: Cold, dry air can strip the skin of its natural moisture, leading to dryness. Similarly, exposure to hot and windy conditions can also contribute to dehydration of the skin.
  2. Low Humidity: Dry indoor air, especially during the winter when heating systems are used, can reduce the humidity levels and contribute to dry skin.
  3. Hot Showers: Long, hot showers or baths can strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry. It’s better to use lukewarm water and limit shower or bath time.
  4. Harsh Cleansers: Using harsh soaps or cleansers that contain strong chemicals can strip away the skin’s natural oils and contribute to dryness.
  5. Skin Conditions: Certain skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis, can lead to dry and flaky skin. These conditions may require specific treatments prescribed by a dermatologist.
  6. Ageing: As people age, their skin tends to produce less oil, leading to dryness. Additionally, collagen and elastin production decrease with age, affecting the skin’s elasticity and hydration.
  7. Dehydration: Lack of sufficient water intake can contribute to overall dehydration, affecting the skin’s moisture levels.
  8. Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the skin’s natural barrier, leading to dryness. It’s important to use sunscreen and protective clothing when spending time outdoors.
  9. Medications: Some medications, including certain acne treatments and retinoids, can cause dryness as a side effect.

How To Treat Dry Skin On Children

Treating dry skin on children can be a lot more of a pain than treating it on adults. With my limited time looking after children I can safely say that if you try and put a serum on them, it’ll be wiped off faster than applied.

I would suggest using a child-safe product like Sudocrem which is perfect for use all over the body, nappy rash, dry skin etc. You can also take a look at the ways to naturally treat dry skin below.

Gentle Cleansing:

  • Use mild, fragrance-free soap or cleansers when bathing your child.
  • Limit bath time to 5-10 minutes and use lukewarm water instead of hot water.
  • Avoid using harsh or scented body washes and shampoos.


  • Apply a fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturiser immediately after bathing to lock in moisture.
  • Choose a moisturiser that is specifically formulated for sensitive skin.
  • Moisturize your child’s skin at least twice a day, especially in dry or cold weather.

Humidify the Air:

  • Use a humidifier in your child’s room, especially during the winter months or in dry climates. This helps maintain moisture in the air and prevents the skin from drying out.

Choose Soft Fabrics:

  • Dress your child in soft, breathable fabrics like cotton.
  • Avoid wool and other fabrics that may irritate the skin.

Stay Hydrated:

  • Encourage your child to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to maintain overall hydration.

Limit Irritants:

  • Avoid products with strong fragrances, as these can sometimes irritate sensitive skin.
  • Choose laundry detergents that are free of dyes and perfumes to reduce the risk of skin irritation.

Shorter and Cooler Showers:

  • Keep showers or baths short and use lukewarm water to prevent excessive drying of the skin.

Avoid Irritating Products:

  • Steer clear of bubble baths and harsh skincare products that may contain irritating ingredients.

Protect from Harsh Weather:

  • In cold or windy weather, dress your child in layers to protect their skin from harsh conditions.
  • Use a gentle sunscreen on exposed skin when necessary.

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