Toby and Mishka

International Dog Day!

Some products in this post were gifted for inclusion.

If you have a pup raise your hand! Our family has two. A Jack Russel and a very energetic Husky! You can easily imagine all the treats they go through, the toys they rip up and the mess they make! This is why this international dog day I decided to spoil them with as many treats as they could eat, well not all in one go!

You’ll find this post packed with treats, I could say toys but I didn’t have a chance to take any pictures before they got eaten! Take a look below for something yummy for your doggies!

Earth Animal Stix No-Hide Treats!

I’m sure by now everyone has heard the horror stories linked to giving dogs rawhide. Now you don’t have to, Earth Animal have these amazing rawhide-free treats which aren’t going to harm your dogs but will still keep them happy with something to munch on.

Both the pups love these treats and they really didn’t last long. I give them a choice on which treat they want and 4 out of 5 times these were the winners so that’s saying something! Seriously though, try these Earth Animal Stix, well maybe give them to your dog instead!

Earth animal No hide treats

Vet’s Kitchen Dog Treats!

I might have mentioned it once or twice, the dogs love treats! When we get home and we noticed they haven’t torn the place to shreds, our go to reward treats are these Vet Kitchen treats. They’re not too big so they won’t make your puppy fat, they’re tasty (Toby told me himself) and they’re inexpensive compared to other treats.

Did I also mention they’re super, super cute? We get the dogs some of these every year for Christmas and they can’t get enough of them. Now they have international dog day to enjoy them even more, these pups are spoilt! Try some Vet’s Kitchen treats out for yourself, well maybe for your dog that is.

Dog treats vet's kitchen

Cozy Dog Bed

So there are hundreds of dog beds out there, some of them are terrible and others aren’t all that bad. Some have huge price tags whereas others are cheap, too cheap perhaps? I decided to treat my doggos to the bed below, I only got the one because they seem to alternate between who uses it.

It’s light, soft and great for most sized dogs. I will say I couldn’t get a picture because everytime I tried my husky would fill the area, making it a blur.

Dog Toy

Who doesn’t love watching their dogs tear apart toys? Honestly as soon as one of the dogs has a toy, it’s days are numbered. Which is why I don’t see the point in paying £20+ for a decent toy because it’ll only be ripped apart! Take a look at some of the toys on Amazon like the one below and see if you can find something your pup will love.

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